Sustainability & ESG
Sustainability & ESG Strategy Consultants in London
What we do
CFBL helps businesses with embedding sustainability into strategy, enabling businesses and projects to be efficiently and thoroughly set up for calculating and benchmarking their carbon footprint. This includes supporting businesses in establishing science-based targets (towards net zero), and implementing a seven-point roadmap for monitoring and reporting ESG KPIs as part of monthly reporting. Empowering communities to speed up the transition to low carbon, contributing towards sustainable value and increasing equity in society.
How we do this
This is achieved through an initial pre-audit diagnostic, cost audit and current state assessment. We develop a robust seven-point framework that includes business strategy, risk and financial controls, people and operations, technology (R&D) and innovation with training workshops and a project roadmap for successfully implementing recommendations. The result is a sustainable business strategy and agile business plan, with simple tools for the monitoring and impact reporting of your carbon footprint, ESG KPIs and increased profitability.
Our SDG Pledge
The 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are a call to action that world leaders committed to in September 2015, to reduce inequalities, promote peace, and justice, and protect our environment and there is a 2030 deadline for achieving these SDGs. Businesses have a pivotal role in helping to deliver the SDGs and management accountants are at the forefront of this by providing financial and non-financial data for reporting against these global goals.
How we are contributing
CFBL Consulting is contributing toward Global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth. We are helping to achieve SDG 8 by providing financial and sustainable strategy advisory to companies to help drive economic growth, for building a more resilient and greener society. We are doing this via financial and non-financial impact reporting, capex/investment business cases and ensuring that strategy is aligned with global goals.
Our Services: What we will do
Sustainable business strategy
An agile sustainable business plan
Calculation and benchmarking of your carbon footprint
Established science-based targets (towards net-zero)
Project roadmap for monitoring and reporting ESG KPIs
Transition to low-carbon
Increased profitability
Contribution to CSR, sustainable value and equity in society
Our Outputs: What you will get
Implementing a sustainable business strategy
Quick sustainability pre-audit and diagnostics
Carbon cost audit
ESG finance workshop and training
ESG KPI, impact and sustainability reporting
Equality and gender pay balance ED&I audits
Implementing ESG protocols and controls (More)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (CSR)
Empowering communities is at the forefront of our long-term vision and corporate values. We believe strongly in our commitment to support charities, social enterprises, non-governmental organisations public bodies and projects.
We work hard to increase resilience in SME businesses and sustainability in global, local communities and businesses. As a result, 25% of our time, expertise and resources is ringfenced for supporting social causes including driving governance on infrastructure projects.
Our Partners: The added value you will get