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Data on a Touch Pad

Contrôle et gestion financiers

How can we help?

Today most software solutions feature some of the most cutting edge technology and automation, enabling businesses to optimise cost and resources. To maintain a competitive edge, it is crucial that businesses keep up and utilise the most up to date technology. Nevertheless some of the biggest barriers to transformation are low ROI or benefit realisation, lack of expertise and user buy-in. With the range of fintech solutions available, so how should your business keep up and choose the best suited technology to invest in? 


CFBL provides independent advisory on the most suitable solution that best aligns with your unique long-term sustainable strategic business plans while working collaboratively with the client and technology provider. Our role involves business case reviews, prior to financing the investment, supplier selection and commercial review before contracting and end-user engagement and training before pilot and final implementation. Helping your business minimise investment risk, optimise cost and achieve growth and transformation.

How do we help?

Transformation Advisory & Thought Leadership

We offer our expert advisory services to businesses looking for digital solutions to optimising their financial operations.

We support infrastructure projects, businesses and SMEs in implementing digital & transformational changes that are most appropriate and affordable for the business.

Cost Efficiency & Optimisation Advisory

We help achieve cost optimisation post-implementation by ensuring that the correct transfer pricing, costing and governance regimes are in place.


We support clients in adopting technology for capturing cost at source, analysing data and convert data into intelligence for risk management, forecasting, auditing, real-time reporting and management decision making.

Grant Funding Finance & Investment Advisory

We assist in the determination of appropriate Funding & Payment Solutions for your organisation’s needs.

Signing Contract


Our independent advisory services includes commercial, contract, cost, audit, and project reporting systems. This helps businesses maintain a competitive edge sustainably while keeping up with the latest technology, suited to the business. By reducing risks of poor user buy-in and benefit realisation we facilitate, transformation, change and cost optimisation. 

Data on a Touch Pad


Through our independent advisory services on financial, HR management and reporting systems we safeguard control, insight, and governance. By facilitating transformation and change, we help businesses keep up with technology, reducing risk of poor return on investment while providing insight for integrated ESG KPI reporting to maintain a competitive edge.

Cost Systems & Audits

Insurance Consultation

Our independent advisory services on payroll, project, contract, cost, audit and reporting systems safeguards control, compliance and governance. We help businesses adopt technology that best aligns to strategic goals  reducing risk of poor benefit realisation while maintaining a competitive advantage sustainably and facilitating growth, transformation and change

A presentation at the office


We deliver case-study based training, ensuring buy-in to technology, upskilling of roles, on systems and that staff are agile enough to respond and adapt to change and risks. Our independent advisory services ensures businesses adopt technology that best aligns to strategic goals, reducing user acceptance risks while ensuring cost optimisation and that the transformation is sustainable.



We provide independent advisory on strategy, cost optimisation, and digital transformation. We support clients who are adopting technology for reporting, audits, capturing cost and analysing data into real-time intelligence, for planning and informing future decisions. On completion, we do not walk away but follow through ensuring clients are operational with our recommendations.

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Strategic Partners

What we will do

Our service involves in-depth reviews and includes:

Qu'allons nous faire


Notre service implique des examens approfondis et comprend:


  • Conférences et séminaires


  • Tables rondes


  • Webinaires et événements virtuels


  • Formation en gestion et leadership



Ce que vous obtiendrez


Les avantages tangibles pour votre entreprise comprennent:


  • Optimisation et transformation des coûts


  • Maximiser les revenus, les bénéfices et la valeur


  • Minimiser les risques et les coûts d'opportunité


  • Améliorer les processus et la gestion du changement



Nous pouvons aider


T: 01737452323/07951722554






Lisez nos témoignages


  • "J'apprécie vraiment l'immédiateté et les éléments d'action rapide, c'est admirable et rassurant pour mon entreprise (Peddling Pictures)".


  • "J'ai apprécié votre présentation à la conférence sur les PME. Excellentes idées pour un sujet important". - JPG


  • "Vraiment bonne session. J'ai trouvé ça très perspicace. Merci de m'avoir invité. (Ideagen-Pentana Audit)".


What you will get

Tangible benefits to your business include:

  • Cost optimisation, digital transformation and growth

  • Maximising revenue, profit and sustainable value

  • Minimising risks, cost and maximising opportunity

  • Improving processes, systems and controls

  • Training, upskilling people and change management

  • Access to a rich repository of funders and contacts

  • Access to technology, software providers, and useful contacts

Read Our Testimonials

  • "I really appreciate the immediacy and quick action elements, this is admirable and assuring for my business (Peddling Pictures) ".


  • "I enjoyed your presentation at the conference about SMEs. Great insights for an important topic". - JPG


  • "Really good session. I found it very insightful. Thank you for inviting me. (Ideagen-Pentana Audit) ".




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